Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Step at a Time

I can see that by this point many of you have gone by a taken a look at the Author Booklet.

Remember, I'm not saying to get all those steps done in one day. Some may need to work on most things listed, while others left the reading with only a few easy things to check off their list. Still others may treat the action items as a buffet of accomplishing what they like and skipping the things that don't sound worthwhile.

To address the latter tendency, today's assignment is this: Everyone who has read the Author Booklet (or started), please leave a comment listing one positive experience you have had doing one of the suggested action items. Since I have contact with many of you, I'm aware of how you have made yourself visible and found success using different tools.

There are at least 46 of you following this blog, so let's get at least 46 comments, one from each of you, listing a tool you have used in the reading and how it worked for you!


  1. I love using the blogging tool, but have refrained from Facebook and Twitter because I just do not have the time to manage all of them, work on my upcoming manuscript, and maintain a home/family. Blogging alone takes at least an hour (sometimes two) a day, especially trying to leave comments that will help to build professional relationships to sell books. Any suggestions to help balance or prioritize these tools?

  2. I have decided that for now I will use my blog as my website. I can easily upload and manage it without being overwhelmed.I had a friend teach me how to register my blog with google and now I am on the first page of google with 101 Gourmet Cupcakes being searched! :) I am also calling in all favors of those I know so that my book will be seen; I can be visable. I have decided that I can ask for as much as I need, the worse thing that can happen is someone says they are not interested. So far, all I have had are lots of YES! Thanks Sheralyn for all the information. It is ALL being put to good use.

  3. I got on Goodreads, made friends with some good friends, and have set up an author page there. Plan to do a giveaway, which I hope will generate some interest in "Pearls from the Plates."

  4. For those concerned with having to update so many things, there's a function in Facebook that posts your Twitter entries straight to it. There's also a way to have your Facebook entry posted on your blog page, though it doesn't display all of it. I've got it set up with my accounts.

  5. I need to figure out how to make my Tweets post to Facebook. I already have my blogs automatically loading as links to Facebook, which helps generate interest in my blog, and gives me a Facebook presence even when I don't have a lot of time to post. I am actively trying to track down friends on Facebook, follow new people on Twitter, and update my books and book reviews on Goodreads and Shelfari. I'm also trying to hit new blogs a few times a week to leave comments. The important thing is that I don't spend two hours every day on this, just a little today and a little tomorrow adds up.

    Oh, and Wendy, I'm so going to get your book. I've been eyeing it at the store...

  6. Wow! I've created a facebook account, with a fan page as well as signing on with goodreads and creating an author profile with amazon. Busy, busy. But I think the most positive experience I've had is connecting with a fellow Cedar Fort author. She's been very helpful and is a great example of what to do. Thanks Rachel.

  7. I have a Facebook account also and although I dragged my feet about setting it up initially, it is a great tool for spreading the word about events and keeping your book in the public eye.

  8. To all CedarFort Authors please join Author Pitch a new network to pitch your book to bloggers etc. Here is the link

    Looking forward to see you all there.

  9. I went on and invited everyone from the Cedar Fort group to be my friend. I like friends.

  10. Wow! A whole new and wonderful world. Thanks for the help. My blog is up and running at Please see the home page at There are still some major glitches in the site, especially on the Books page. The trailers are rough but serve as placeholders for something better down the road. Next step is catching up to the meta-tags. All suggestion valued.

  11. Great ebook! I've been/am doing almost all of what you have listed. I've also listed my book at and this week the first chapter is going out to subscribers. I also comment on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and just updated my website and added an opportunity for readers to subscribe to my newsletter. I am now posting my first chapter on my blog. We'll see how that goes.

    Thanks, Sheralyn, you're awesome!!!
