Monday, November 2, 2009

BrandSaw Comments and Suggestions!

This blog is dedicated to the comments section. Please place all your BrandSaw feedback and suggestions in the comment area of this blog.

DO NOT email comments and suggestions to a particular person, since no one beyond that person may be privy to your feedback and it may not be addressed.

BrandSaw is at its most elementary here in its infancy, but over time it can grow to be a phenomenal resource that allows you to have all the tools in your hands to accomplish whatever you set out to do with your book within the timeline you create.

And that's when being an author starts being fun...


  1. I wish there was an option with the posters to have cover art only.

  2. Am I the only one here who has never heard of BrandSaw feedback/comments until I read this blog? I even Googled BrandSaw and found nothing. What am I missing? Thanks for your help as always.

  3. It's certainly very user-friendly!


  4. How about:

    1) a postcard template

    2) a poster template with no words, just the cover image? as Berin suggests?

  5. CFI must be employing mind readers! I've been trying to decide the best way to create bookmarks for my upcoming book signing. I tried out the template and I love it!

  6. Okay, I've got the picture. Thanks for the New Author Tools email. It's clear from the BrandSaw tool that we will need a higher resolution cover image to create cards and posters.

  7. Great ideas and I will be making my bookmarks shortly. I would love a postcard template too as well as just a poster with no words like the others...

  8. My problem with the poster is that you have to order 10, but there's nowhere to put location or address (ie Confetti Books & Antiques at xxxN main, Spanish Fork) so the store won't need that many copies, but you can't put extras up in town because they don't say where the event is.

    I think they look great, myself. If all you want is a book cover, you can have Kinkos make you a bunch of copies for hardly anything.

  9. Two out of three time trying to make my bookmark the light blue background does not show up on the proof copy version, so I am hesitant to order. Also, several times the refresh button has not worked. Overall I think it is good, but certainly has caused some frustration.

  10. And the session has timed out on me, causing me to have to start completely over with the design.

  11. Thanks for all your feedback. Rebecca, I pointed yours out to the printer and they're looking at it!

    @Heather, you're right about the text box issue with creating all 10. My advice is to order blank posters and print out time/date info and attach it (makes poster re-usable) or write directly on the poster.

    I believe Berin is the first author to order and receive product through this system. What were your thoughts, Berin?

  12. I have a layout I would like to use, and I wish I could upload it. I also wish I could upload both my logo and my book picture.

  13. Rachel,

    If you desire another format, most printers (including Alexander's) can take care of you! The pricing will be different, but if you want something EXACTLY a certain way, it can be worth it :)
